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Robins Federal Credit Union

Robins Federal Credit Union

What is the Robins Federal Credit Union?

• The Robins Federal Credit Union is a member-owned (and operated) not-for-profit financial cooperative headquartered in Athens, Georgia. The primary mission of the Robins Federal Credit Union is to actively serve its members and the communities in which they live with low-interest and flexible banking services.

• The Robins Federal Credit Union provides a number of financial services to its members, including: certificates of deposit, access to checking and savings account, low-interest personal loans, auto loans, various investment vehicles, online banking services and money market accounts. All services provided by the Robins Federal Credit Union are consistent with the principles of a credit union: “Not for Profit, Not for Charity, But for Service.”

How was the Robins Federal Credit Union formed?

• In February of 1954, a group of 13 Robins Air Force base civilian and military personnel drafted and signed the application to formally charter the Robins Federal Credit Union. The charter stated that the field of membership would be offered to “civilian employees and commissioned officers of the Department of the Air Force who worked at or had headquarters at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia.” Furthermore, the charter went onto read: “Employees of this credit union; members of their immediate families; and organizations of such persons will be granted services provided by the Robins Federal Credit Union.”

• Following the affirmation of the charter, the desire for the new Credit Union grew as support rapidly developed. By December of 1954, the Robins Federal Credit Union had over 1,750 members and total assets in the $75,000 range. During this time, the Robins Credit Union extended over $120,000 worth of loans to members and the surrounding communities. Although this growth was startling these figures are somewhat modest when compared to the impact the Robins Federal Credit Union now enjoys.

The Robins Federal Credit Union Today:

• The Robins Federal Credit Union, with over $1 billion in total assets and nearly 132,000 members, is the fourth largest credit union in the state of Georgia.

• Since the cooperative’s original formation, the Robins Credit Union revamped their charter in January of 2000, to offer financial services to anyone who lives, works or attends school in the following 16 Georgia counties:

o Baldwino Bibbo Clarkeo Crawfordo Emanuelo Houstono Joneso Macono Monroeo Peacho Pulaskio Putnamo Tayloro Telfairo Twiggso Wilkinson

Robins Federal Credit Union Board of Directors:

• Currently, the Robins Federal Credit Union is chaired by Jakie Cleghorn. Each year an election for the board of Directors is held via mail ballot and results are announced at the Robins Federal Credit Union’s annual meeting.

• Each member of the Robins Federal Credit Union’s Board of Directors serves a three-year term; following exhaustion of this term, the individual can be re-nominated and elected to serve an additional three-year term.

• The Role of the Robins Federal Credit Union Board of Directors is to:

o Declare dividends to be paid to shareholderso Review and approve applications for membershipo Establish loan policies regarding maturity and interest rateso Supervise the cooperative’s investmentso Establish and maintain internal controlo Authorize borrowing policies

*Quotes taken directly from the Robins Federal Credit Union's Charter

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